Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is  that affects young adults a disease . The disease usually begins between the ages of 20 and 50 and two times more common in women than in men. Approximately 20% of people affected by MS have close relatives who are also affected by this disease.
Multiple sclerosis causes ?
Multiple sclerosis is one autoimmune disorder, in which the immune system is poorly targeted because he saw the body's own cells as foreign and attack it. In MS, the body attacks the myelin sheath that protects nerve fibers in the central nervous system. The result is a (multiple) injuries that cause scarring (sclerosis = hardening).
Myelin serves to accelerate the transfer of information. Without this sheath, the transmission of neural information from the brain to the body gradually slowed or inhibited. This leads to impaired motor nerve and sensory nerves.
How can we recognize the MS?
Symptoms and signs of multiple sclerosis vary widely, depending on the central nervous system are affected. Each patient had clinical symptoms and progression of different diseases. All the elements of physical, sensory and motor may be affected in various degrees. Most people with MS have more than one symptom. The following symptoms are common to many people, but no one has all the symptoms simultaneously:

Impaired vision: blurred vision, double vision / ghosting (diplopia), sudden blindness in one eye, uncontrolled eye movements, total blindness (very rare).
Motor symptoms: muscle weakness that prevents local movements, difficulty controlling movement, trembling.
Disturbance of sensibility: the reduction of sensitivity in some parts of the body, stiffness, itching or brief local pain, a feeling of electric shock.
Cognitive symptoms: problems with multiple brain functions such as memory, attention disorders, etc.
Urinary disorders: incontinence.
Impaired balance and coordination: loss of balance.
MS is a relapsing-remitting disease, with symptoms appearing in the cycle alternated between no symptoms (asymptomatic). But there are also forms of MS who developed slowly and evolutive. In this case, the symptoms progress slowly, but steadily and without asymptomatic periods.
MS is a disease that very erratic and unpredictable. A person with MS can be a serious relapse and worse, so it seems to be always in a wheelchair, and then suddenly improved and can walk again. This causes difficulties in certain cases to predict the progression of the disease (complete healing, healing while, deteriorate, etc.).
How to 
Multiple sclerosis treatment?
Multiple sclerosis is still not curable, but not deadly. There is a treatment that makes it possible to delay the progression of the disease and reduce the spread, intensity and duration of symptoms. Injections of corticosteroids may be used for this purpose.
Immunosuppressive treatment is sometimes used but have the disadvantage as they often cause side effects. MS conducted in multidisciplinary treatment involving at least one neurologist and a rehabilitation physician
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